personal items

Personal Items/Miscellaneous

We encourage you to bring personal items, furniture, wall pictures and more when you join us.

Please work with the Housekeeping Supervisor or Social Service Director when selecting personal belongings (e.g. furniture, wall pictures, knick knacks, TV, radio) prior to bringing the items into the facility. The mid and late stage dementia units have particular safety considerations. We exclude live plants and live cut flowers and glassware from the mid and late stage units. Residents are free to wander about on these units and due to their impaired cognition, are apt to mishandle items. These units feature secured “memory boxes” for display of personal memorabilia. Please understand that items that are not secured in the memory boxes may migrate to other rooms or be broken. Soft items that feel and look good are very appropriate for these units. The other living areas are more home-like and allow for greater freedom to display and use personal items. A tour of the facility will answer questions you may have about appropriate personal belongings.

Residents frequently bring in a comfortable chair from home, which is fine. We ask that the chair be covered with a vinyl-type (washable) fabric rather than cloth. Electrical appliances that create heat (e.g. electric blanket, heating pad) are not permitted. Men who shave are encouraged to bring an electric razor.

Please work with the Social Service Director to establish phone hook-ups. DirecTV is available for the residents in Wings One, Two, Three and Four for an additional $15.00 per month. Wing Five rehabilitation residents have phone and cable at no extra charge if they are here on a skilled nursing or short term rehabilitation stay only.

The family should retain valuable possessions, such as jewelry. The resident has no need for cash. You can make arrangements with us to keep a resident fund account here in order to have cash on hand for outings and hair care. Residents may not smoke at the facility.